Forgetting something?
PMG Form Designer Deploy Log gets a revamp

Let’s face it – forgetfulness is a real thing that we all struggle with, especially as we get older. It’s easy to forget what you might be forgetting at times!

Luckily, when it comes to PMG forms, we’ve got your back. Recent updates to the Form Designer Deploy Log make forgetfulness a thing of the past.

This is a great help when you’re troubleshooting an issue or validating a regression test plan. And it’s a godsend if you’re working as part of a larger team or in an organization where development in the Platform is federated! By providing easily accessible, documented version control, PMG allows you to prepare comprehensive release notes and coordinate effective change management.

As of PMG Platform version 20.4, the Form Designer Deploy Log now contains more information about the configuration and Form Element changes made between versions. Highlights include display of the old and new text of a query or showing the before and after of Properties configuration.

Navigate to the Deploy Log via Form Designer > Deploy > Deploy Log.

When you need to get technical, there’s also a feature to view the changes in raw XML format. Click on the Detailed Diff button to search through the underlying differences.

Now, wasn’t there something we didn’t want to forget?