There’s no Family Feud here
PMGers rate their favorite Platform features

The PMG Platform has evolved so much over the fifteen+ years since it was introduced. We thought it would be interesting to ask our team which features, components, functionality, etc. are their personal favorites and why.

A sneak peak at the results shows that the Workflow Designer is our shining star. (We knew that one!) App Designer is an emerging VIP with exciting new functionality in every release. And our integrations are the unsung heroes, providing some of PMG’s most powerful capabilities.

Making the all-time best list are Workflow Anywhere, our REST action, and Quick Find. Favorite v21.x enhancements include Query Builder, Records, and Layout Builder in App Designer.

You’ll want to read through the summary of our survey results to make sure you’re not overlooking any hidden gems that could enhance your implementation.

PMG Platform components went head-to-head for an overall ranking:

And talk about name-dropping!

Honoring the Best of the Best

  • Workflow Anywhere – We use this term as a catch-all for the amazing Workflow API Endpoint capability powered by Workflow Functions and Data Workflows.

“Workflow Functions (aka Workflow APIs aka Workflow Anywhere). It just blows my mind that I can create a workflow that does anything and then, with a couple of clicks and no coding knowledge whatsoever, I have a fully functioning API that I can use to initiate that workflow and, if needed, get data back. Since our workflows can do anything, I can now give other systems the ability to do anything through us. And did I mention No Code? That’s just magic to me.”

  • App Designer – If the name confuses you, just think of it as our interactive web page builder that lets you create portal pages and dashboards for users to actually “do” things. Things we love about it:

“It opens up a whole new world of possibilities for what UX we can design.”

“It’s flexibility. If you can think of it, you can build it.”

“It enables solutions to look incredible and highly custom, with relatively minimal effort.”

  • Data Workflows – Also known as “InProc”, these workflows run instantaneously to deliver real-time data when called. They can be called from anywhere in the platform (or externally as part of Workflow Anywhere).

“Data Workflows allow me to harness the power of the workflow engine for any use case. Whether it be to power an app, retrieve data to a form, push data to another system, or allow external systems to call PMG, it’s the real workhorse.”

  • REST Action – Our most popular generic integration feature, the REST action offers REST Builder to walk you through no-code configuration and also supports Postman imports.

“Generic REST gives me the greatest flexibility to build out integrations when a connector isn’t available. I can use it to do almost anything.”

“It’s easy to use, especially with the build and test on the fly capabilities.”

  • Quick Find – The quick find navigation menu (ctrl + /) allows for quick navigation to your favorite locations across the PMG platform. It even allows for menu navigation within the App/Form/Workflow Designers.

“The Quick Find shortcut saves 3 seconds each time I need to navigate to an admin page. Over time, that adds up!”

We would love to hear from you about your favorite PMG Platform features. Drop us a line to let us know.