Friendly reminders using Contact Users
Feel the need to poke someone?

In today’s world of working from anywhere but the office, some of the daily social interactions we used to take for granted don’t happen anymore. Simple questions such as, “Hey Joe, did you approve my vacation request yet? What about my expense reports? How about my SAP access request?,” aren’t as easy to ask when you’re not running into co-workers at the proverbial water cooler.

Luckily, with the new Contact Users feature, you can easily give users the ability to gently nudge someone in the platform.

The Setup:
The Contact Users feature allows a user to directly contact the assignee(s) of a work item directly from the summary page of a request. The steps to enable this are pretty simple:

• First, enable the global setting ENABLE_DIRECT_CONTACT_TO_WORK_USERS
• In the configuration panel of any work item (i.e., Approval step) where you’d like to allow direct contact, set Allow Contact = Yes. You may optionally set a delay as well, which, if defined, simply sets a countdown to when a user may contact the assignee.

The Result:
In Request History, if I’m waiting for an approval or other task, I now see a link to Contact Users. Clicking on the link pops up a messaging window, and all I need to do is type my message and click Send. The recipient(s) will receive an email with my message.

Now you’re ready to go ahead and give them that nudge.